A brief description of the calendar information provided here is now available.

July 27, 2024
12:01:01 PM (EDT)

4:01:01 AM (UTC)
Absolute date: 739,094
Day 209 and Second 18,057,661 of current year
151 shopping days until Christmas

Phase of moon: last quarter
Age of moon: 7 days (since last full moon)

For Cleveland (EDT)
Sun rise: 6:17 AM, set: 8:49 PM (today)
Sun rise: 6:18 AM, set: 8:48 PM (tomorrow)

Julian Day

Julian Calendar
July 14, 2024

ISO Calendar
Day 06 of Week 30 of Year 2024

World Calendar
Thursday, July 26, 2024

Hebrew Calendar
21 Tammuz 5784

Islamic Calendar
Muharram 20, 1446

Mayan Calendars
Long Count:
Haab (Civil): 19 Xul
Tzolkin (Religious): 2 Cib

French Revolutionary
Time: 0:00:71
Décade I, Decadi de Thermidor de l'Année 232 de la Révolution

Abib 21, 1740

Hamle 21, 2016

Mordad 06, 1403

15th day of Words, B.E. 181

Events for 07/27

Johann Bernoulli, I (357 years ago)
Baron Lorand von Eotvos (176 years ago)
Bugs Bunny (84 years ago)
Peggy Fleming (76 years ago)

Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (265 years ago)
John Dalton (180 years ago)
Gertrude Stein (78 years ago)

Cromwell won battle of Gainsborough (381 years ago)
General George McClellan headed Union forces (163 years ago)
Korean war armistice signed at Panmunjom (71 years ago)

By popular demand you can access events for Today AND Tomorrow.

You can either see the events for tomorrow or be patient.

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Craig J Copi | craig@copi.org